Collection Agency Services: The AAB Way

AAB has been providing collection agency services in Michigan since 1973. In the 1970s, collection agency services were simplistic. Our agents used file cards with paper documents attached to the back of the card. Back then, the telephone companies charged a lot of money for long-distance calls – a collection agency's second-largest expense was its telephone bill. Times certainly have changed!
Today, collection agency services are easily performed from virtually anywhere in the world. While our firm provides collection agency services in Michigan, we also cover the rest of the United States, Canada, Mexico, and beyond. The most common areas we serve include landlords, building supply companies, fuel, equipment, rental companies, and professional service firms.
Providing collection agency services has changed dramatically since the 1970s. In the 2000s, AAB began providing proactive credit consulting, early-stage collections, customers save campaigns, traditional third-party collections credit reporting, and litigation management.
Collection agency services are one of our basic services. We work with forwarding-thinking companies, which is why we created The Proactive Receivable Solution™. This advanced process helps you build a proactive receivable system in your company to ensure you get paid in a timely and consistent manner. It also allows you to avoid The Reactive Bad Debt Trap™.
We have two levels - basic and advanced. With basic, we provide you with our essential collection agency services. You can get the basic from many other companies, however, the advanced process we’ve developed, The Proactive Receivable Solution™, takes everything to a much higher level and is only available from AAB. Additionally, you don't have to hire us for collection agency services to get the advanced program – you can keep your existing collection agency services provider if you wish.
Our Proactive Receivable Solution™ has four components:
- AAB designs a blueprint for a more advanced receivable solutions for your business.
- You get the right people and train them properly.
- You use proactive credit-oriented marketing strategies to ensure that you work with only creditworthy customers and Prospects
- You put in place a proactive and consistent credit application system.
If you're interested in The Proactive Receivable Solution™, contact our office today for a free starter session. We’ll assess your current situation during this session and begin work on your customized Proactive Receivables Blueprint™. At the end of the session, we’ll decide together if you should become a member of this advanced program.
Collection Agency Services
For the last 50 years, AAB has been helping creditors and debtors to resolve their outstanding accounts amicably. If your business needs collection agency services in Michigan, contact us today for a confidential conversation about your specific situation. We will either be able to assist you or make an introduction to one of our strategic partners.